Female model posing tips
learn how to pose a women with no modelling experience
In this video we are exploring few posing tips for women. there are thousands of books and guides out there showing hundreds of different poses, however if you understand the basic principles and have a methodology in place, you will never run out of poses and you will be able to get any women in front of your camera to act like a model.
Posing and modelling can be learned like anything else is life and with a little bit of practice, within on or 2 sessions, you should be able to have the confidence to get any model to pose to her best
The video shows few tips how to position the head, shoulders, hips, legs and hands as the parts of a nice composition. The combinations are endless and if you understand the basic principles you will have an unlimited source of inspiration. here are few tips:
The head
– always have the head with chin rotates to one side, avoid the front millitary position facing the camera directly. You can even ask the model to turn her back completely and look back over her shoulders
Shoulders and hips
– try to get the shoulders an uneven levels off the ground. One shoulder up an done down. Same story with the hips, the shoulder line and the hips line should converge. Having this position will force the model to get into a “S” shape which is the best way to go. try to look for the “S” and will will get somewhere
– try to get the model to either cross the legs, or turn one leg to one side and have the weight moved on the other. This way the “S” shape is created as well
Arms and hands
– try to have hands at different levels in an “S” shape like position, never too straight and have the palms flexed at 90 degrees form the arms facing down or up. Palms need to be relaxed at all times for a natural position and they should be a different levels
once you achieve a “S” shape pose composed of shoulders, hips and legs, try to combine hands position as per the video above. The poses are unlimited see below just a few samples. As a photographer you should train few times to understand these principles, apply them few times with women who never posed, challenge yourself and you will get better with practice

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